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Welcome to the DragonHawk Saga!

Ten thousand seasons have passed since the end of the DragonHawk War and the collapse of the Star Empire. DragonHawks and Dragon Hunters have faded into obscurity. The Star Trader Galaxy is a shadow of the old Star Empire and its inhabitants, the Star Traders, a far cry from their Star Folk ancestors.

The InWorlds are entangled in a long and bloody war that will see the death of the Royal Republics and the rise of the Planetary Corporations. Their colonies in the OutWorlds, cut off from their royal masters by the war, have declared their own independence and struggle to organize their own Frontier Council.


The Star Traders walk a thin, dangerous line. Declaring their neutrality in the struggle of the Royal Republics, they nonetheless open their Trade Stations to the warring factions, making tremendous profit from the business of war. Independent Traders are flocking to the OutWorlds, anxious to trade with the struggling colonies. Meanwhile, the old legends are coming back to haunt the Star Traders as rumors of DragonHawks and Dragon Hunters are whispered about the Trade.


Follow the lives of the Tycho Drakkon, the DragonHawks of the Tycho Star Traders and their fierce Hawkkur Legion, as they prepare for the Return of the Great Dragon, the DragonHawk who will restore the Star Empire and bring peace to the Thousand Universes of the Known Galaxy.

An Epic Struggle of Good vs. Evil

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